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The Unexpected Turn of Events
In a surprising turn of events, Microsoft has announced the hiring of former OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and co-founder Greg Brockman. This move comes after Altman was dismissed from OpenAI, with the board stating it had lost confidence in his ability to lead the organization. However, now both Altman and Brockman would be joining Microsoft to spearhead a new advanced AI research team.

What Nadella and Altman have to say
Following Altman’s dismissal from OpenAI, culminating in the announcement of his and Brockman’s new roles at Microsoft. Satya Nadella took to social media platform X  stating “We’re extremely excited to share the news that Sam Altman and Greg Brockman, together with colleagues, will be joining Microsoft to lead a new advanced AI research team. We look forward to moving quickly to provide them with the resources needed for their success.” Further Altman reciprocated the sentiment by reposting Nadella’s message with the caption, “the mission continues.”

The New Roles and Vision
Nadella hinted at the autonomy and independence that Altman and Brockman will enjoy in their new roles. By drawing parallels with other Microsoft acquisitions like GitHub, Mojang Studios, and LinkedIn. Moreover he expressed his anticipation for the duo to build their own identities and cultures within Microsoft.

The New Team Composition
The advanced AI research team at Microsoft will integrate talent from OpenAI, including key leaders like Jakub Pachocki, Szymon Sidor, and Aleksander Madry.

The Impact on OpenAI
The departure of Altman, Brockman, has sparked a wave of posts on X from OpenAI employees, stating, “OpenAI is nothing without its people.” This suggests that more resignations may be on the horizon.

Microsoft’s Commitment to OpenAI
Despite these developments, Nadella reaffirmed Microsoft’s commitment to its partnership with OpenAI. He expressed confidence in Microsoft’s product roadmap and its ability to continue innovating and supporting its customers and partners. He also looked forward to working with Emmett Shear and OpenAI’s new leadership team.

The Market Reaction
The market reacted positively to the news of Altman and Brockman joining Microsoft, with the company’s value increasing by a staggering $80 billion. In addition this significant change underscores the high regard in which these two individuals are held in the tech industry.

Insiders View
In conclusion, hiring of Altman and Brockman signals a bold and strategic move. It will be interesting to see how this development shapes the future of AI at Microsoft.