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A landmark agreement was reached at the UK’s global AI Safety summit on November 1, 2023. The US, China, and 26 other nations agreed to work together to protect the potential for AI to cause “catastrophic harm”. The Bletchley Declaration, this agreement, recognizes the potential for serious harm to be caused by advanced AI models.

The Summit
They held the summit at Britain’s World War II code-breaking center in Bletchley Park, north of London. It brought together government ministers and industry executives from around the world. Among the attendees were US Vice President Kamala Harris, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, and the world’s richest man, Elon Musk.

The Agreement
The Bletchley Declaration sets out a common international approach on rapidly advancing technology. Signatories to the joint statement vowed to “work together in an inclusive manner to ensure human-centric, trustworthy and responsible AI that is safe, and supports the good of all”.

China’s involvement is particularly significant joining global leaders at the AI safety summit. Despite these tensions, China’s vice minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Wu Zhaohui, joined UK Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan, US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo and European Commission Vice President of Values and Transparency Věra Jourová on stage to deliver speeches at the summit.

Looking Ahead
This agreement marks a significant step forward in global cooperation on AI safety. The Bletchley Declaration is a testament to this shared responsibility and commitment. US and UK to establish AI safety institute for ongoing collaboration, indicating that collaboration will continue beyond this summit.

In conclusion, the global AI Safety summit has set a new precedent for international cooperation on AI safety. It is a reminder of our shared responsibility for safe and beneficial AI development.