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In a world that is already grappling with numerous humanitarian crises, another heart-wrenching situation is unfolding. Government has ordered more than 165,000 Afghans to flee Pakistan. These individuals have lived in Pakistan for decades, and are now facing with the daunting task of starting over in a country that is still reeling from recent political upheaval.

The Deadline 
On October 3, 2023, Pakistan’s Interior Ministry announced that all migrants living without legal status had 28 days to leave voluntarily or face deportation. This broad call for mass deportation has led to an increase in police abuse against Afghans, including harassment, assault, and arbitrary detention.

The Aftermath

As the November 1 deadline approached, the majority of these Afghans rushed to the border. Thousands swamped the Chaman crossing along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, creating a scene of chaos and desperation.

The Human Cost
The human cost of this mass exodus is immense. Many of these Afghans have lived in Pakistan for years. They have built homes here, found jobs, and raised families. Their children were born and raised here, knowing Pakistan as their home. Now, they are being uprooted and forced to leave everything behind.

Contributions to Pakistani Society

The Pakistani government claims that nearly 1.7 million of these Afghans are undocumented. However, this does not change the fact that these individuals have contributed to Pakistani society in numerous ways. They have worked in various sectors, contributed to the economy, and become a part of the social fabric.

A Plea for Empathy

In these trying times, it is essential to remember our shared humanity. These Afghans are not just numbers or statistics; they are people with hopes, dreams, and families. They are individuals who have been forced to leave their homes due to circumstances beyond their control.

Insiders View

As we witness this mass exodus, let us not turn a blind eye. Let us remember the human cost of such actions and strive for policies that uphold human dignity and rights.

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