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In a significant development, X, formerly known as Twitter, has introduced video and audio call support. This feature, which has been in the pipeline for some time, is currently available only on iOS devices. However, the introduction of this feature has sparked mixed reactions among users.

The New Feature
Users spotted the new functionality within the direct message section of the app before the company made an official announcement. The feature allows users to make voice or video calls on the platform. To enable it, users can go to the app’s settings, tap on ‘Privacy and Safety’, and then on ‘Direct Messages’. There they will see a toggle named ‘Enable audio and video calling’, which they have to turn on before they can use the feature.

Public Reaction
The introduction of video and audio calls on X has elicited mixed reactions from users. Some users have welcomed the new feature, seeing it as a game-changer in social networking. They see it as an opportunity for X to go beyond text and become a hub for real-time, face-to-face communication.

However, not everyone is thrilled with this new development. Concerns arise over new video and audio calls on the platform, potentially conflicting with its micro-blogging nature and causing polarization among users.

Insiders View
Despite the mixed reactions, X remains committed to evolving and diversifying its platform to meet user needs. Whether this new feature will be widely adopted by users remains to be seen. As we continue to monitor this development, we look forward to seeing how this feature will reshape communication on X.

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